Myths and Truths Drivers Hear at the Gas Station About Lubricating Oil.

Oil change is a recurring topic in the life of any driver. Just stopping to refuel and soon comes the question through the car window: “how’s the oil?” It seems simple, but a large portion of people have no idea of “how’s the oil” or what that means. At that moment, the person who opens […]
Racing car technology is already accessible to the Brazilian consumer.

Did you know that the rearview mirror first appeared in the 1911 Indianapolis 500? And that multifunctional steering wheels originated in motorsports? Race tracks are authentic laboratories for testing products and technologies that eventually tend to adapt to mass-produced cars and change the way we interact with vehicles. The Paraná-based company, Teclub Maxon Oil, is […]
Virtual motorsport is growing, attracting professional drivers and investments from major brands.

The year 2020 was quite challenging for sports in general. However, as with several sectors of the economy, some niches experienced rapid growth and are moving into 2021 with even more positive projections. This is the case with Virtual Motorsport (VM), which attracts new drivers every day, both beginners and professionals, as well as brands […]